Richard Weimer
aa9kz at
Sun Nov 5 13:59:32 EST 2000
<exo1a at> wrote in message news:8tpero$2a1$1 at
> I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get and grow anthrax (the
> bacterium, not the metal rock band).
> Thanks
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
To: Jeff McCann" <j.mccann at>
Please explain what does the words MENS REA mean?
To: exo1a at
This is from Microsoft Bookshelf
"""Accidental release of dry anthrax spores in early April at the
Microbiology and Virology Institute, a Soviet biological warfare facility in
Sverdlovsk, contaminates an area with a radius of at least three kilometers
and by some estimates kills several hundred persons. Tight censorship is
imposed, but hundreds, perhaps thousands, of residents and military
personnel reportedly die after inhaling the spores and contracting pulmonary
anthrax. Soviet authorities say only that illegal sales of
anthrax-contaminated meat have caused a public health problem. Critics
charge Moscow with violating the 1975 Helsinki ban on developing biological
The People's Chronology is licensed from Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
Copyright © 1995, 1996 by James Trager. All rights reserved."""
Anthrax is a known biological weapon. Now that we are speaking the same
langauge, do you still want to know?
Richard Weimer
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