bacterial RNA isolation

"David Alexander dalex at nexus.microimm.mcgill.ca
Thu Mar 30 16:33:46 EST 2000

Hi there,

I have recently done some bacterial (E.coli) RNA work
and used three methods to isolate the RNA.

Trizol does not work for E. coli.
I have not been able to determine the reason,
but I suspect it has something to do with poor cell lysis.

Although it is time consuming, the best method
(i.e. high yield and purity of RNA) uses CsCl gradients
I followed the protocol in Unit 4.2 of the Red Book/
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology.

Finally, I have used a shorter method (listed below),
which is similar to the bacterial RNA methods in Unit 4.4 of the Red 
Book. I was given this protocol by a group using microarrays and 
Mycobacterium, so it should work for you.
Just scale up the procedure for higher yields.

Good luck,



RNA Extraction

(I treat all solutions, tips, tubes, etc. with DEPC)

TSM = 10 uM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4),  140 uM NaCL, 1.5 mM MgCl2
5% NP-40 = nonidet P-40 (nonionic detergent) in water 
TSE+S = 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA
just before use, add SDS to 2%


1 - spin down cells (2 mL in a Eppendorf-type tube)
2 - discard supernatent, resuspend pellet in TSM + 0.5% NP-40
     (i.e. 270 uL TSM + 30 uL 5% NP 40)
3 - vortex, then place on ice for 2-3 minutes
4 - spin 10 seconds (doesn't sound like much, but it is enough)
5 - transfer supernatent to new tube
6 - add 1 volume (i.e. 300 uL) TSE+S to supernatent
7 - mix !
8 - add 2 volumes phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1)
9 - vortex, then spin 5 minutes at 13 k
10 - transfer  supernatent to new tube 
(repeat steps 8, 9, 10)
11 - add 2 volumes chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1)
12 - vortex, then spin 5 minutes at 13 k
13 - transfer superatent to a new tube and EtOH ppte
(i.e. 2.5 volumes 100% EtOH, 0.1 volume 3M NaOAc,
 precipitate at -20, -70, RT : whatever works for you
 spin 15 minutes, wash with 70% EtOH, and dry)
14 - resuspend pellet in 40 uL 1xTE (+ 0.1% SDS), store at -70 C

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