I need help

Errol E.S.Kwan at massey.ac.nz
Tue Mar 28 18:04:41 EST 2000

It is a project he/she is doing for extra credit, not one the school
wants done for itself.  This student chose their own topic and I'm not
sure what sort of resources this high school has, I'm not sure about
America but here in New Zealand we never had those sorts of compounds
for making up media.  

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000 19:52:05 +0200, lamb
<L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl> wrote:

>Errol wrote:
>> I should have used the word 'enrichment' instead of selective.  But
>> for Riffi's experiment a general media like nutrient agar should be
>> used as this student sounds like the environment is to be sampled,
>> remember this is a high school student and looking at the microbes in
>> the environement would be a better starting point for learning than
>> getting straight into the pathogenic microbes.
>> So I think that the media to be used should be nutrient agar.  The
>> question is does this student have access to all of the components?
>As he/she said, it was to be a school's project. So the school would be providing
>the material.

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