I need help

Errol E.S.Kwan at massey.ac.nz
Mon Mar 27 17:14:41 EST 2000

I should have used the word 'enrichment' instead of selective.  But
for Riffi's experiment a general media like nutrient agar should be
used as this student sounds like the environment is to be sampled,
remember this is a high school student and looking at the microbes in
the environement would be a better starting point for learning than
getting straight into the pathogenic microbes.

So I think that the media to be used should be nutrient agar.  The
question is does this student have access to all of the components?

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 02:52:10 GMT, E.S.Kwan at massey.ac.nz (Errol) wrote:

>From the sounds of the experiment Riffi wants to sample the air.
>Expose the plate and see what grows.  For this I would suggest a
>nutrient agar plate, not a selective one such as blood agar.  
>On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:00:43 -0800, sc68
><dch1944NOdcSPAM at netzero.net.invalid> wrote:
>>First you need to decide what type of agar to use. If you want to grow
>>something simple get some blood agar plates, take a cotton swab and
>>swab you hand. Streak the plat with the swab, put in an incabuter
>>within 24 hrs at body temp you will see Staplococcus epidermitus
>>growing . It is non-patogenic and interesting to study. If you are more
>>adventursome swab you throat in the same manner, put it on bloog agar
>>and you will get 2 maybe 3 different types of bacteria
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