I need help

Bryan dbd2 at psu.edu
Sun Mar 26 19:06:57 EST 2000

David Lawton wrote:

> It's 1 o'clock in the morning here and I'm doing this because I can't be
> bothered to rewrite an SOP for our autoclaves,
> so can we leave works like oxymoron out of this. ;o)
> With your NaCl example, you're selecting not enriching. If you had a broth
> culture then you've selectively enriched.


> You mean people look for bacteria that have no human association? ;o))

Hmm...coming down hard on the microbial ecologists...keep in mind that focusing
on the pathogens in anthropocentric and bacteria are sure to inherit the earth..

> We could go around in circles here, it's probably not so much how the media
> is used as the choice of media, if that makes sense.
> The obvious question is, do people use blood agar selectively?

A good question, I could envisage* an experiment where one would want to
determine the presence of, say,  beta hemolytic bacteria in some situation like
McDonald's Playland (copywrite, etc.), where incidentals might not grow on this
agar.  Determining mere presence would be best interpreted in light of numbers
of all other bacteria, still it might be an interesting young student project
involving BAP.  Perhaps BAP is a bad example, I agree with you that it is easier
to imagine enriching for particular bugs, but one could take any media that is
described for enrichment, then incubate it at low O2 or high temps and by
definition change it to a selective media.

*I used this unnecessary flowerey word to throw you off in case its past
midnight when you sign on ;>

> What is R2A agar anyway, probably called something different over here.

This will have to wait until I'm in the office with Atlas' Microbiological Media
book.  But I'll try to get back to you.  Where's "over here" by the way?

I enjoy going around in circles...


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