the same problem is afflicting those of us who work in legionella detection.
The cycloheximide in GVPC medium is now almost impoosible to get hold of and
media companies are searching for alternatives.We prefer the use of MWY
formulation anyway and we think it is much better. Any body else any
thoughts on MWY/GVPC for legionella?
Gary Hogben
Sheepskin Hollow <McMoodus at> wrote in message
news:8bgir7$5p4$2 at
> We have used cycloheximde extensively in a differential/selective agar
> for Campylobacter- Campy-Cephex Agar.
>> We now are finding that the price of the stuff has skyrocketed and I have
> told it is no longer manufactured.
>> Anyone out there know more about this problem or have ideas on what
> we might use for a subsititute.
>> Any suggestions for a substitute medium?