I require some information on Aureobacterium species and, specifically,
Corynebacterium aquaticum. What I need to know is:
Are members of the aforementioned genus and species capable of:
- growth at 42 degrees centigrade
- utilizing (by acidification) sucrose
- hydrolyzing casein
Using the API Coryne identification system I have identified a sample as
"Aureobacterium/Corynebacterium aquaticum". The API cites low
discrimination identification. My sample does grow at 42 degrees
centigrade, does not utilize casein, and does not acidify sucrose. But, I
cannot find any test/research data to compare with my findings.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have searched through Bergey's
Manual of Systematic Bacteriology and Determinative Bacteriology and have
not been able to find the answers to these questions. If possible, cite
references so that I may look them up.
Thank you.
Michael Busse, B.Sc. (Microbiology)