I need help

Austin Reade rbs at hfx.andara.com
Sat Mar 25 21:19:10 EST 2000

lamb <L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl> wrote in message
news:38DD1154.39960810 at cable.A2000.nl...
>Listeria doesn't need anything extra special.

Understood, the lab I used to work for just used blood plates to determine
the haemolysis reactions of any isolates they obtained from food samples.
Austin Reade, PhD, RSM(CCM)
Reade BioSciences Inc                 phone (902)423-8369
1136 Cartaret Street                       fax (902)423-8313
Halifax, NS, B3H 3P3 Canada      email rbs at hfx.andara.com

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