Euglena Questions

Inga Fedyainova inga_fed at mtu-net.ru
Sat Mar 25 06:21:59 EST 2000

On 070300 5:55 YenWen Lu wrote
>   I am a UCLA Engineering graduate student and doing a research of
> "micro-organism manupulation". We are facing some problems of
> Euglena's characteristics.
>   We're suggested to use Euglena as a target to capture in the
> project. By taking its phototaxi property, a small light source (in
> water) is used to attract Euglena. Later, a small cage is used to
> catch it.
>   However, we have some problems in doing this. It seems that Euglena
> just swims inward and OUTWARD the light source. Its "light-tendancy"
> is not so obivous. Therefore, we are wondering
>  1. How to make Euglena's "phototaxi" phenomena more obivous?  (most
> of them swim toward the light source, or stay around. BUT not
> outward)
>  2. How long does it take to see the "phototaxi"
>  3. If it is a slow phenomena, how to increse the Euglena's light
> tendency
>   Finally, we very appreicate for your time and kindness.
> =====
> Truely yours,
> Yenwen Lu
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Your data mirrors the subject under investigation for many years by
biologists. In case of Euglenoidina it deals with phototaxi of flagellar
reservoir & in Protomonadina indicates differences between the promastigote
and the amastigote. To my regret I dont see the paper from Congress on
Protistology with information about calcium ch. permeability and behaviour
of  Ciliata. But it is because of me.

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