Spring Industrial Micro Colloquium

Theodore C. Crusberg crusberg at WPI.EDU
Fri Mar 24 15:25:22 EST 2000

                      Thursday April 27
               Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
              Woods Hole, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

1:30-2:00  Registration (5th floor, Clarke Laboratories)

2:00       Dr. Malcolm Finkelman, Associate or Cape Cod, Woods Hole
           "The Horseshoe Crab Response to Microbes: Limulus
            Amebacyte Lysate"

3:00       Dr. Claudio Denoya, Pfizer Central Research, Div., Groton, CT
           "Recombinant DNA Approaches to Doramectin Titer Improvement in
            Streptomyces avermitilis.

4:00       Dr. Harlyn Halvorson, University of Massachusetts, Boston
           "Developing an Aquaculture Industry in New England"

5:30       Reception and Dinner (Catered by Chef Roland)
           ($30 for members, $10 for students)

The symposium is open to all for free, but a charge is made for those who
attend the reception and dinner (must register by April 19 for
the meal).  Contact Malcolm Finkelman at 508-540-3444 ext. 2202 for more
information/driving directions/registration forms.

Submitted by:
Ted C. Crusberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology &
Biotechnology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA USA  01609
Society for Industrial Microbiology-Treasurer, New England Section

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