Measuring bacteria growth

JanCzek janczek at aol.com
Thu Mar 23 05:35:33 EST 2000

Bio- Respirometer
We developed Bio- Respirometer featuring very high sensitivity  0.2 ulO2/h
which  can  be used to measure respiration of bacteria and cell  cultures,
algae, crustaceans, fungi, oxidation of food products, respiration of soil,
compost  etc. 
Up to 80 sample chambers ( variety of sizes)  can be connected to
Respirometer which is equipped with O2 and CO2, analyzers 
Optional CH4 and H2S, H2 are also available.
Respirometer can monitor very slow  
biodegradation processes of plastics, hydrocarbons, 
explosives, creosote as well as respiration of insects, aquatic plants and
fish. It has also high metabolic range for measuring fermentation and
If you need more information and application notes  contact me or visit:

Jan Czekajewski, Ph.D.
e-mail:janczek at aol.com

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