We are a team from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Microbiology, Department of Microbial biosynthesis and biothechnology.
Here we are presenting shortly our research topics:
1. Biosynthesis of extracellular acid proteinases and acid phosphatases
as well as xylanases by fungal sources.
2. Immobilization of fungal mycelium in polyhydroxyethylmetacrylate,
polyuretan sponge and synthetic cross-linkable pre-polymer -
poly(vinylalkohol) mixed with poly(ethylene glycol) and obtaining of
highly productive and stable biocatalysts.
3. Purification of enzymes and their application in food industry, e.g.
- casein modification by phosphoprotein-phosphohydrolazes
-xylanase in bread baking industry
We are looking for sponsors, collaborators and everybody interested in
the same subject matter, to share opinions, to cooperate projects.
Assoc. Prof.PhD-Microbiology - Penka Aleksieva, PhD-student M.Sc of
Biothechnology - Sophiya Micheva