I need help

Graham Shepherd muhero at globalnet.co.uk
Tue Mar 21 14:57:29 EST 2000

lamb <L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl> wrote in message
news:38D7CDDD.8C119A8B at cable.A2000.nl...
> Rafael Maldonado wrote:
> > Anyway, I am still amazed about this thread. How those dreadfull
> > pathogens are going to grow on the plate and kill the whole Riffi's
> > school? Common sense is not eating or introducing the colonies in your
> > nostrils. A very other thing, don´t grow bacteria in a plate.
> >
> > Bacteria are around, you know. And they grow in everyplace. Opening a
> > Petri dish and let them grow is more or less as forgeting chicken salad
> > in the kitchen countertop and go fishing for a week. There is no
> > regulation for the disposal of that salad. Be careful! Maybe we should
> > ask the authorities to provide information to homes about this dangerous
> > procedure! Call 911 and don´t think of washing the salad bowl yorself!
> >
> Your sensible reaction reminds me of what happens in the lab. We all wash
> our hands with tapwater, hygiene, safety and all that, right?
> But now the tapwater is being checked for Legionella. Container on the
> worktable gets knocked over, water all over the place, on your hands, over
> your clothes. Everything gets disinfected straightaway, no panic, just
> routine. And afterwards you wash your hands with?? Yes.
> Loes

Once it's on the workbench you treat it as though it could kill you, because
there's stuff there that can do just that. I know it's daft in some cases,
but (a) your finely honed bench reflexes won't let you NOT do it and (b)
your junior staff get a good example. We've all done it. Someday it will
save someone's life. I've heard of death resulting from lab-acquired
infection because contaminated waste was put in the wrong place in the
kitchen, and it wasn't treated with the appropriate respect. The average
citizen is terrrified of science for (usually) the wrong reasons, and
expects the world to be a safe place. We know better, n'est-ce pas?



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