I need help

lamb L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl
Tue Mar 21 14:30:37 EST 2000

Rafael Maldonado wrote:

> Anyway, I am still amazed about this thread. How those dreadfull
> pathogens are going to grow on the plate and kill the whole Riffi's
> school? Common sense is not eating or introducing the colonies in your
> nostrils. A very other thing, don´t grow bacteria in a plate.
> Bacteria are around, you know. And they grow in everyplace. Opening a
> Petri dish and let them grow is more or less as forgeting chicken salad
> in the kitchen countertop and go fishing for a week. There is no
> regulation for the disposal of that salad. Be careful! Maybe we should
> ask the authorities to provide information to homes about this dangerous
> procedure! Call 911 and don´t think of washing the salad bowl yorself!

Your sensible reaction reminds me of what happens in the lab. We all wash
our hands with tapwater, hygiene, safety and all that, right?
But now the tapwater is being checked for Legionella. Container on the
worktable gets knocked over, water all over the place, on your hands, over
your clothes. Everything gets disinfected straightaway, no panic, just
routine. And afterwards you wash your hands with?? Yes.


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