I need help

Bryan dbd2 at psu.edu
Sun Mar 19 16:51:18 EST 2000

I think all I am asking folks to do is help out, encourage and point out when
some bad advice comes across the NG.  And do so in a way that doesn't offend the
misinformed (OK, sorry I called everyone voodoo priests, but better a priest
than a journeyman ;>)  No-one seems to notice the problem with advising students
to use LB either (see earliest posts).  I think the concerns others have noted
regarding pathogenic bacteria are warranted if we keep suggesting using this
media:  10 g NaCl per liter is exactly what a pathogen needs!  Think of it as a
selective agent for isolating pathogens only. No one seems to pick up on this
nugget and this is but one of  several times I have seen the suggestion.  Think
high school projects scares you?  see below:

> Question:  I am 7th grade student doing an experiment with environmental bacteria. I am
> using Luria Broth Agar. I need to know what nutrients are used in this agar.
> name deleted
> Answer:
> If you simply need the recipe, I can provide that for you.
> However, Luria Broth is a rich medium, which means its content is
> largely undefined as far as the presence and concentrations of
> various nutrients.  The recipe for 1 liter:
> 10 g Bacot-tryptone
>  5 g Bacto-yeast extract
> 10 g NaCl
> pH 7.0

Perhaps try R2A agar or weakened TSAYE, potato-flake agar for fungi.
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