I need help

David Lawton dhlawton at clara.co.uk
Sun Mar 19 12:25:34 EST 2000

> It seems to me suicidal for a culture to hire its teachers from the bottom
> half of the graduating class, and this discussion so far is an indicator
> this cultural suicide in action. There should not be a need for teachers'
> unions because a teacher should be making twice the salary of a prison
> on the first day on the job.

I dare say that we would all like to see higher calibre teachers and them
getting better pay,
but it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that this discussion illustrates
decline of western society.
Cultural suicide would solve the problem of the disposal of the plates ;o)

>We should have elementary school teachers to
> whom a city councillor would naturally turn for advice on matters of
> governance.

You wouldn't need councillors, just teachers - now there's a good idea.

>Instead we have these pitiful creeps who think they're doing
> their jobs by telling kids what they mustn't do. Yeccch!

Riffi's age is irrelevant, it's a person with little microbiological
proposing to isolate bacteria, with apparent little supervision - why does
concern make you a pitiful creep?

David Lawton

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