Stacci bottra (sp?)

Energo Ed energo1 at home.com
Sat Mar 18 12:59:40 EST 2000

On 16 Mar 2000 10:47:42 GMT, jorge1907 at aol.comcom (Jorge1907) wrote:

>This is a good site and provides pertienent info.  I'll add that this fungus is
>usually not directly pathogenic but effects disease via host response to it's
>toxin containing spores.
>Your student needs to have someone familiar with the fungus and it's effects do
>this testing as the spores rapidly lose viability even tho' their toxins are
>fairly stable and effective.  
>There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
>Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

There's an article on Stachybotrys on the website called Medscape
www.medscape.com.  You have to sign up to become a registered member.
It's free.  
The specific url for this article is


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