M10 media

Richard Oeffner roeffner at csusm.edu
Thu Mar 16 17:51:36 EST 2000

             Handbook of Microbiological Media 2nd, Atlas. 1997,  CRC press.

Page 785 - M10 Broth - For the cultivation of Enterococcus spp.,
Lactobacillus spp., Streptococus spp., and Vagococcus fluvialis. There are 2
mineral solutions as part of this in addition to nutrient/sugars/fatty
acids. I don't know if this is what you need, but is the only listing I can
find for M10.

R. Oeffner

"%GIVEN NAME% mumford" wrote:

> Hi I am a technician for the university of portsmouth,  I have had a
> request for M10 minimal media.  I can not find a recipe for it would any
> one know what the recipe is if so could you let me know.  My email
> address is katie.mumford at port.ac.uk
> Thank
> Katie
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