Penicillin-G and G neg. bacteria

Dr. Suresh Joshi et al molbio at chem.unipune.ernet.in
Thu Mar 16 05:42:53 EST 2000

	That's true. It is active in gram negative cocci too. Before the
discovery of modified /semisynthetic penicillins, it was widely used for
this purpose.

Dr.Suresh Joshi.

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Gerd  wrote:

> Testing Penicillin-G aganst several strains of bacteria was part of an
> experiment I asked some students to do. 
> In their reports some of the students mention that P-G is supposed to be
> active against G+ bacteria, which is obvious, but in addition it's supposed
> to be active against G neg. cocci. 
> Anyone having an explanation? 
> Personally I do only have teoretical knowledge about P-G, and my knowledge
> about differences between cellwalls of cocci and bacilli is scarse. Could
> anyone explain, please.
> Gerd


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