Cryoprotectants for bacteria

David B. Hedrick davidbhedrick at icx.net
Tue Mar 14 01:47:29 EST 2000


	Glycerol, milk, growth medium, or there's
<http://www.google.com/search?q=bacteria+cryoprotectant>, 101 hits.  The
first hit <http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/publications/online/4cryopre.htm> was
great if you really want to know how to do it.  They suggest DMSO or
> Greetings,
> Will someone please give me a (or a few) good references on
> cryoprotectants for bacteria.
> Thanks,
> Alan S. Wicks
> Kennewick, WA


Technical writing, literature search, and data analysis at the interface
of chemistry and biology. 

	davidbhedrick at icx.net

	David B. Hedrick
	P.O. Box 16082
	Knoxville, TN 37996

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