cellulose agar

marty avicat at aol.com
Sat Mar 11 20:22:42 EST 2000

In article <vsaw4.1064$za7.24016 at cac1.rdr.news.psi.ca>, "Paul and 
Kimberly Liska" <pliska at istar.ca> wrote:

> Hello:
> I am looking for a product called cellulose agar. I was wondering if 
> anyone
> knows where I can purchase this media or how I can make it myself 
> (recipe).
> I am looking for a media specific for the cultivation of Stachybotrys 
> atra.
> If anyone knows of another media that is specific for this fungus, please
> contact me. Thank you.
> --
> Kimberly Liska
> E-mail:  pliska at istar.ca

I know of no commercial source for cellulose medium. There are a number 
of media which do contain cellulose, however. In most cases they include 
the cellulose to test for cellulolytic activity, or to provide a carbon 

Note: ATCC recommends the use of Potato Dextrose Yeast Agar (PDY) for 
the maintenance of Stachybotrys atra. This is an easy medium to 
formulate from a few potatoes, some dextrose, and yeast extract. The 
exact formulation is available on the web at the ATCC website. 


Martin Gross
Media Laboratory Supervisor
American Type Culture Collection

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