Stacci bottra (sp?)

Todd Stevens tstevens at oneworld.owt.com
Thu Mar 9 12:57:12 EST 2000

Hi Debbie,

I seem to recall that Stachybotris (I can't spell it either) is a common
mold genus that includes some pathogens, but all my old medical micro books
are packed up in storage right now.  Here's all the links I could find with
a quick web search, none of which look very credible.  (Maybe they all
misspelled it too...).



Debbie Roberts wrote:

> An ex-student has called me with questions about a report on the news
> about an organism that grows on wet wood or sheet rock and causes
> respiratory effects and ultimately brain damage.  I haven't kept up with
> the news so I am not sure what she is talking about.  If any of you have
> any information I would be pleased to here anything.
> She would also to find out about a reputable lab that can come and test
> her recently flooded house for the organism (or any like it). She has
> small children and is worried.
> --
>     Dr. Debbie Roberts LaMountain
>     Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
>     University of Houston
>     Houston, TX, 77204-4791
>     phone 713 743-4281, fax 713 743-4260
>     e-mail djroberts at uh.edu


  Todd Stevens

tstevens at oneworld.owt.com         http://www.owt.com/users/tstevens
                      526 Blue Avenue, Richland WA 99352

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