Stacci bottra (sp?)

Debbie Roberts DJRoberts at UH.EDU
Thu Mar 9 10:33:17 EST 2000

An ex-student has called me with questions about a report on the news
about an organism that grows on wet wood or sheet rock and causes
respiratory effects and ultimately brain damage.  I haven't kept up with
the news so I am not sure what she is talking about.  If any of you have
any information I would be pleased to here anything.

She would also to find out about a reputable lab that can come and test
her recently flooded house for the organism (or any like it). She has
small children and is worried.

    Dr. Debbie Roberts LaMountain
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    University of Houston
    Houston, TX, 77204-4791
    phone 713 743-4281, fax 713 743-4260
    e-mail djroberts at uh.edu

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