Tick Borne Diseases Conference

JWissmille jwissmille at aol.com
Tue Mar 7 15:48:51 EST 2000

ou can still sign-up and get a room at the hotel!!  

******** 13th International  Conference on Lyme Disease and ****************
***************Other Tick-Borne Disorders ***********************
************* Clinical Management &  Research Update  *************

Jointly Sponsored by The College of Physicians  and Surgeons of Columbia
Universityand the Lyme Disease Foundation

Keynote Speakers: Attorney General Richard Blumenthal - Protecting the  Public
 		          Willy Burgdorfer, PhD, MD (hon) - Discoverer of the pathogen
causing LD
			Senator Christopher Dodd - United States Senate - CT

March 25 & 26, 2000      Farmington Marriott, Farmington, CT

Place: Hartford Marriott, Farmington, CT   800-228-9290
   $79 single/double.  Reserve your room now. The hotel is expected to
   Rate applies 3/23 - 3/27 - for those who want a side trip, maybe to Lyme,

Travel: Huntington Hay Travel  800-783-9783. Bradley is the closest airport
with shuttle service to the hotel. However, there is also a shuttle service
from  LaGuardia and Kennedy  airports (3 hr ride). 

****************** PROGRAM AGENDA *******

******** FRIDAY MARCH 24, 2000 
• Light Reception and Registration  7 - 10 pm

***** SATURDAY MARCH 25, 2000    

• Registration  7- 9am
• Program  8am - 5:30pm
• Reception 7-10pm

• Keynote:  Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General of Connecticut

• West Nile Virus:  Epicenter to epidemic and what to expect in 2000
		Tracey McNamara, DVM, Diplomate ACVP   National Wildlife Conservation / Bronx

• West Nile in Connecticut
		John Anderson, PhD   Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station	

• Overview of human ehrlichioses and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the US  
		Christopher Paddock, MD   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

• Babesiosis  
		Peter Krause, MD   University of Connecticut School of Medicine

• Prevalence of infection in ticks submitted to the human test kit program of
the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
	Ellen Stromdahl, MS  US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive

• Analysis of Southern Borrelia
		Angela James, PhD   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

• Coinfections
		Louis Magnarelli, PhD   Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

• Preliminary in vitro and in vivo findings of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in
experimental Bb infection
		Charles Pavia, PhD   NY Medical College School of Medicine, NYCOM
Microbiology 				          and Immunodiagnostic
Laboratory of NYIT

• Immunity against host-adapted B. burgdorferi in the rabbit
		James Miller, PhD   UCLA School of Medicine

• Immunologic aspects of Vlse, a B. burgdorferi antigenic variation protein
		Steve Norris, PhD   University of Texas Medical School

• An immunodominant peptide of B. burgdorferi Vlse: Role in diagnosis &
		Mario Philipp, PhD   Tulane University School of Medicine 

• Antibiotic treatment of Lyme borreliosis: A review of results with dogs
		Rheinhard Straubinger, DVM, PhD   Cornell University School of Veterinary

• A Bb repetitive antigen that confers protection against experimental LD
		Jon Skare, PhD   Texas A & M University System Health Science Center

• Use of the borreliacidal assay in the serodiagnosis of Lyme disease
		Ronald Schell, PhD   University of Wisconsin School of Medicine

• Lyme neuroborreliosis - The role of  PCR and culture in the diagnosis and
in the confirmation of relapse after antibiotic treatment
		Jarmo Oksi, MD, PhD   Turku University Central Hospital, Department of
Medicine, Finland
• Laboratory Testing Panel
		Mark Golightly, MD   SUNY at Stony Brook School of Medicine
		Eli Mordechai, PhD   Medical Diagnostic Laboratories
		Ronald Schell, PhD   University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
		Jyotsna Shah, PhD   Igenex Laboratories
		Richard Tilton, PhD   BBI Clinicial Laboratories
		Steven Schutzer, MD   University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

                   SUNDAY MARCH 26, 2000 

Registration 7-8am (CME Sign-in)
Program 8AM - 5PM


• Keynote	Willy Burgdorfer, PhD, MD   National Institutes of Health

• Characterization of an immune evasion system in the Lyme disease
		Richard Marconi, PhD   Medical College of Virginia	

• Matrix metalloproteinases in Lyme disease
		George Perides, PhD   Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Harvard)

• Interleukin-10 regulation during acute Lyme arthritis in dogs
		Reinhard Straubinger, DVM, PhD   Cornell University School of Veterinary

• T-cell response
		Adriana Marques, MD   National Institutes of Health

• Protection against tick-transmitted disease in dogs vaccinated with a
multiantigenic vaccine 
		Alan Frey, PhD   New York University School of Medicine

• Update on the SKB OspA vaccine
		Dennis Parenti, MD   SmithKline Beecham Biologicals

• Atypical EM and acute Lyme disease
		Edwin Masters, MD   Regional Primary Care Physicians

• Neurologic Lyme disease in adults
		Patricia Coyle, MD   SUNY at Stony Brook School of Medicine

• Neurologic Lyme disease in children and adolescents
		Dorothy Pietrucha, MD, FAAP   Jersey Shore Medical Center, Meridan Health

• Cognitive deficits in children and the public health/educational
		Marian Rissenberg, MD   Columbia University School of Medicine

• Neuroimaging in neuropsychiatric Lyme disease: Uses, abuses, and the future

		Brian Fallon, MD   Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

• Pharmacologic properties of antibiotics and their relevence to LD
		Sam Donta, MD   Boston University School of Medicine

• Treatment Roundtable 
		Joseph Burrascano, MD   Southampton Hospital
		Sam Donta, MD   Boston University School of Medicine
		Lesley Fein, MD   Morristown Memorial Hospital
		Kenneth Liegner, MD   Westchester Medical Center
		Dorothy Pietrucha, MD   Cornell/NYHospital, Jersey Shore Medical Center 

 •••• Target Audience
This conference is designed for clinical professionals (including but not
limited to Primary Care Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants,
Public Health Officers, Researchers and Veterinarians) and other health
professionals (medical directors, risk managers) who wish to enhance their
knowledge of Lyme disease and other tick-borne disorders.  

••• Program Committee
James Miller, PhD  UCLA School of Medicine
Sam Donta, MD Boston University School of Medicine
Brian Fallon, MD Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
Ed Bosler, PhD  Stonybrook School of Medicine
Julie Rawlings, MPH  Texas Department of Health
Charles Pavia, PhD  New York Medical College
Ronald Schell, PhD  University of Wisconsin School of Medicine

•••   Accreditation
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential
Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the  College of Physicians &
Surgeons of Columbia University and the Lyme Disease Foundation.
The  College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University is accredited by
the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor
continuing medical education for physicians and takes responsibility for the
content, quality and scientific integrity of this CME activity. 
The  College of Physicians & Surgeons  designates this educational activity for
a maximum of 15 hours in Category 1 credit towards the AMA Physician’s
Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those hours of credit that
he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

•••• Conference Goals
a. Recognize the complex nature of Borrelia burgdorferi in both in terms of its
antigenic variability and the host response to infection;
b. Understand the rationale for different treatment approaches to Lyme Disease
in animals and humans;
c. Clarification of the role of the multiple diagnostic tests for Lyme disease;
d. Understanding better the presentations of neurologic Lyme disease in
children and adults, including the role of neuropsychological testing and
e. Understanding the epidemiology, clinical phenomenology, and diagnostic
methods for detecting other vector-borne diseases, such as babesiosis,
ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and West Nile virus; 
f. Understanding the latest research regarding Lyme vaccines.

Before the program, all faculty will disclose the existence of any financial
interest and/or other relationship(s) (e.g. employee, consultant, speaker’s
bureau, grant recipient, research support, stock ownership or any other special
relationship) they might have with a.) the manfacturer(s) of any commercial
product(s) to be discussed during their presentation and/or b.) any commercial
contributor to this activity.  When unlabeled uses are discussed, these will
also be indicated.

***************** REGISTRATION  *******************
Mail to:  Lyme Disease Foundation, 1 Financial Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103
860-525-2000   Fax 860-525-8425  Hotline 800-886-LYME
Lymefnd at aol.com     www.Lyme.org

Fee includes: Attendance at scientific sessions, book of proceedings, lunch and
breaks on both days, and receptions Friday (3/24) and Saturday (3/25) night.
__  $275  February 16 to March 21 
__  $325  March 22 to on-site
__  $160  Poster Presenters - Posters still being accepted as of 3/7/00.  
Contact us for forms ; Graduate Students  - w/University validation letter. 
__  $60   Reception Only 
__  $20   CME Certificate 

***** Check Enclosed  - Make checks payable to “Lyme Disease Foundation” 
**** Credit Card Charge
       __ Mastercard          __ Visa         __ American Express
Card #_______________________________ Exp. ______ 
Total Payment Enclosed: $ ____________
               Full payment must accompany registration form. 

   Mailing Address:
   City:                           State               Zip
    ___ CME’s ___CME Certificate ($20 extra)  

   Mailing Address:
   City:                           State               Zip
    ___ CME’s ___CME Certificate ($20 extra)  

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