Euglena Questions

YenWen Lu micro_lu at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 6 21:55:31 EST 2000


  I am a UCLA Engineering graduate student and doing a research of
"micro-organism manupulation". We are facing some problems of
Euglena's characteristics.

  We're suggested to use Euglena as a target to capture in the
project. By taking its phototaxi property, a small light source (in
water) is used to attract Euglena. Later, a small cage is used to
catch it.

  However, we have some problems in doing this. It seems that Euglena
just swims inward and OUTWARD the light source. Its "light-tendancy"
is not so obivous. Therefore, we are wondering

 1. How to make Euglena's "phototaxi" phenomena more obivous?  (most
of them swim toward the light source, or stay around. BUT not

 2. How long does it take to see the "phototaxi"

 3. If it is a slow phenomena, how to increse the Euglena's light

  Finally, we very appreicate for your time and kindness.


Truely yours,
Yenwen Lu
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