Bacterial Plasmids

GJSilva sergab at mail.telepac.pt
Mon Mar 6 11:28:04 EST 2000

Andreas Toba <andreas at uole.com.ve> escreveu na mensagem
news:88tts1$gjk$1 at acopan.reacciun.ve...
> Hello!
> This is the first time I write to a newsgroup.
> Here is my problem
> I'm working with several natural occuring bacteria. I'm trying to isolate
> their plasmids, it's very difficult. I'm using Birnboin & Dolly and Kado &
> Liu protocols, sometimes those protocols don't work. Does anyone knows
> protocols for isolate natural plasmids?
> Thanks in advance
> excuse my english, please.
> Andreas Toba
> from Caracas Venezuela (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto de
> Biología Experimental)
> Dear Andreas

I had also the same problem, and Birboin method and Kado and Liu didn't work
well with Acinetobacter spp.
I used the Hartstein et al method that worked well, with some modifications.
I don´t have here the technique I used because I´m Home. But here is the
reference: Hartstein et al , 1990, Infect: Control. Hosp. Epidemiol.

Try to use cell cultures on late exponential phase and higher volumes. If
you want the protocol, call me for my mail in the University:
gjsilva at ci.uc.pt

Good luck

Gabriela J. da Silva

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