New Website: Model Organism Bioinformatics & Research Menu Hubsite

elgansNet elegansnet at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 4 12:37:47 EST 2000

Dear Researcher,

We are announcing a new website which might be useful to many of you.  It
has been recently recognized by several online sources (HMS Beagle, etc..).
The title and a brief description is provided for you below.

TITLE: elegansNet: Model Organism Bioinformatics & Research Menu Hubsite for
Biomedical Scientists.

DESCRIPTION: Framed Comprehensive Index with Frequent Updates of Research
Menu: Databases (alphabetically organized), services (data bases are
functionally organized according to tasks), protocols, literature search,
news, MEDICINE, DISEASE, aging, model organisms (Drosophila, mouse,
nematodes, Xenopus, yeast), development, cell death, ion channels,
oxidative-stress links and more are served by three channels of C. elegans

This site which is very responsive to user needs simplifies navigation in
several ways by providing:
1. An open-face index hierarchy.
2. Three channels (frames) for information delivery: Channel 1, index;
Channel 2: highlights recent notable publication abstracts in the context of
PubMed interface; Channel 3: Technology highlights and more...
3. Provides a framed interface to model organism servers/resources.

elegansNet is a no-profit website and can be linked to at:

Please direct questions and comments to elegansNet at hotmail.com

Thank you,


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