Virology Research Opportunities

seng-lai tan sltan at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 31 14:57:04 EST 2000

Eli Lilly and Company's Division of Infectious Diseases Research is
committed to the discovery and development of novel anti-viral agents.  We
are recruiting the best minds available in this pursuit.

BS/MS Virologists:  We are seeking virologists to join a team effort aimed
at the identification of novel anti-viral agents. The candidate should
have a Master's degree in biology or equivalent experience, and a
broad-based knowledge of, and strong skills in:

- Molecular biology techniques including cloning, sequencing, PCR, nucleic
  acid isolation and analysis

- Extensive tissue culture experience     

The ideal candidate should be highly self-motivated, possess good
communication skills, and enjoy conducting creative, independent research
and learning new skills. Experience working with viruses would be a plus.

To attract the best and brightest, Eli Lilly and Company offers
competitive compensation packages and a dynamic, creative
environment.  For consideration, send your resume to: Dr. Thomas Seng-Lai
Tan, Infectious Diseases Research, DC 0438, Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly
Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285.

You may also fax to : 206/732-6046, or email to: tsltan at yahoo.com

We are an equal opportunity employer making a difference through our
commitment to diversity.       

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