Science fiction: How quickly is a DNA change reversible?

Richard Oeffner roeffner at csusm.edu
Mon Jul 31 13:19:00 EST 2000

I agree that the drug would change the expression of the proteins made by
DNA, and would therefore possibly have an effect on behavior....but as DNA
is synthesized ad infinitum by cells, the change back to pre-drug effect
would not take too long.

Science Fiction is not realistic, but extrapolations of known science or
technology. I think using a drug mist that contains a neurotransmitter to
affect brain function sounds a little more realistic than DNA being
affected by a drug.

Good Luck with the book Thomas.

R. Oeffner

Thomas Ebinger wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am an editor for young adult fiction books. At the moment I am
> working on a science fiction series. As I am not very good at biology,
> I would like to ask you, whether the following scenario is realistic
> or not: A society lives in an isolated environment. The people there
> are governed by an evil group of people, that blows a certain drug
> into the air. By inhaling this drug the DNA of the inhabitants is
> being changed and transforms them into obedient citizens. Is it
> realistic that, if you withdraw this drug, the changes in the DNA
> recede and the citizens become thinking individuals again? And if this
> is the case, how quickly could this take place?
> Thank you very much for your help and excuse my ignorance.
> Best wishes
> Katharina Ebinger

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