
Derek Law dlaw at idgplc.com
Fri Jul 28 09:30:18 EST 2000

Serious outbreaks of Aspergillus infection have frequently occurred in
hospitals where building work has been taking place.
This has been attributed to the dust generated by equipment etc. Dust
contains large numbers of fungal spores and they are inhaled by patients, if
these are immunosuppressed eg transplant or cancer patienst then aspergillus
can cause an infection that is difficult to diagnose difficult to treat and
causes a high mortality.

Derek Law

Company Microbiologist

Dale w Griffin <dgriffin at usgs.gov> wrote in message
news:39818A51.7D7D6E9D at usgs.gov...
> Hello all,
>     Is anyone aware of any outbreaks which have been attributed to dust
> storm events. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dale

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