We used the Crystal system at my previous job. For ease of inoculation
it can't be beat! We use API for our backup system at my current job,
and I forgot how tedious it is to inoculate the system. We always
created a "moist" chamber for incubating Crystals, as they tended to dry
out. We used a plastic bag clipped loosely around an empty Crystal ID
tray with wet paper towels in the bottom. It worked fine. We also had
the luxury of having the software to interpret the numbers, so that made
identification much easier. I liked it for fermenters; I wasn't that
impressed with how it identified non-fermenters. It almost ALWAYS
resolved questionable Vitek ID's (our primary system).
I would take Crystal any day over API for fermenters, if that's to
be your primary identification system. They also take up much less
space and are not nearly as unwieldy to handle as API's.
I didn't realize they still made Enterotubes. I haven't used them in
twenty years. I'm unfamiliar with Biolog.
Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
Microbiology 26 years
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