Personally, I hate bleach. But it does kill bugs.
We use 70% ethanol for disinfecting surfaces like workbenches.
Lyorthol we used in waste-containers for small disposables, liquids etc. Also for disinfection of glassware used for grinding tissue.
We have now replaced lyorthol for chlorine (it's in tablet-form, 1 tablet per liter, something like that). Can't give you more detailed information, I'm at
home, sick.
The very very last lyorthol we now use in the tb-lab, as chlorine is not good enough against mycobacteria. Unless in high concentrations, but that is not
good for us and not good for the equipment.
I work in Medical Microbiology, Slotervaartziekenhuis, Amsterdam.
Feras wrote:
> Hoi Loes, bedankt voor de advies, schriftelijk is m'n
> Nederlands heel slecht so I shall switch to English. Do you
> really use diluted bleach for everything? Ik ben
> nieuwsgierig, where is your lab?
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