More about disinfectants

Damian Bond dbond at idgplc.com
Wed Jul 19 07:17:39 EST 2000

There are several possible alternatives, Virkon has good anti-mycobacterial
activity and is relatively non-toxic.It also has good activity against fungi
and viruses. Gigasept has good anti-mycobacterial activity but some find
that it has a rather pungent aldehyde -like odour.

Hope this helps

Derek Law
Company Microbiologist

Lab M

lamb <L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl> wrote in message
news:3974B7F6.D75C9A7A at cable.A2000.nl...
> The above message reminded me.
> What is a good alternative for phenolic disinfectants in a
> TB lab? That can be used inside and outside safety cabinets?
> Loes

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