CABRI Web site

Paolo Romano paolo at ist.unige.it
Thu Jul 13 07:10:44 EST 2000

Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to the CABRI project and related
Web site.

CABRI - Common Access to Biological Resources and Information
http://www.cabri.org/ (mirrors available, see list at the main site).

CABRI includes 26 catalogues from some of the most known European
culture collections, including BCCM, CABI, CBS, DSMZ and ECACC, for
a total of more than 86,000 strains.

Organism types are fungi, yeasts, cell lines, bacteria, archea,
plasmids, DNA probes, plant cells and viruses, phages.

The CABRI search engine is based on SRS and allow for an integrated
search on all the catalogues of a unique organism type.

CABRI includes a shopping cart through wich end users can issue
a pre-order notification to the collections.

Quality management guidelines are also available in the CABRI site.

Best regards. Paolo Romano
Paolo Romano (paolo at ist.unige.it)
Biotechnology Department, Natl Inst. for Cancer Research
c/o Advanced Biotechnology Centre
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10, I-16132, Genova, Italy
Tel: +39-010-5737-288  Fax: +39-010-5737-295

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