Quest Biomedical launches test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB)

lamb L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl
Fri Jul 7 14:09:07 EST 2000

97% specificity ....  How about sensitivity?
50 ml. is a awful lot of fingerpricking.

Liz Middleton wrote:

> Quest Biomedical has launched a rapid immunodiagnostic test for
> Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) which detects active infection within 15
> minutes. The innovative AMRAD ICT test is simple to perform at the point of
> care providing accurate, reliable and economical results from just 50ml of
> whole blood or other body fluids (pleural, peritoneal, lymph or CSF).
> The current global pandemic of tuberculosis is killing more people than any
> other disease, yet diagnosis has remained an often complex and lengthy
> procedure. Traditional methods such as smears, cultures, X-rays and clinical
> examination can be subjective and PCR methods have proved expensive and
> technically demanding. With a specificity of 97%, the new ICT test offers
> significant benefits in terms of speed, accuracy and cost allowing prompt
> treatment and an improved prognosis.
> Extremely simple to perform, AMRAD ICT needs no equipment or special
> training and can be carried out in any clinic or Œfield¹ situation. A finger
> prick blood sample is all that is required and the three-step test takes
> moments to perform providing results in 15 minutes or less.
> Utilising multiple antigens to M.tuberculosis the test will detect IgG
> antibodies in blood, serum, plasma or extrapulmonary fluid.  Any
> M.tuberculosis  IgG in the sample binds with the antigens immobilised onto
> the test card to form a complex which is visualised by exposure to
> anti-human IgG/colloidal gold. Results are clear and easy to read with
> positive and negative controls included on every card.
> Each test comprises a test card and a single reagent supplied in a
> convenient dropper bottle. Supplied in packs of five or 25 tests, AMRAD ICT
> is available exclusively in the UK from diagnostic specialists Quest
> Biomedical.
> - ends -
> Editor: For more information, please contact: Anita Frear, Quest Biomedical,
> Suite B, Greville Court, 1665 High Street, Knowle, West Midlands. Tel: 01564
> 775750.  Fax: 01564 775759.  e-mail: questbiomedical at saqnet.co.uk

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