Postdoctoral Position opening

Pin-Ching Maness pinching_maness at nrel.gov
Thu Jul 6 13:18:02 EST 2000

Postdoctoral Position

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Golden, Colorado, USA

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the molecular
biology of a hydrogenase enzyme complex linking to CO oxidation in a
photosynthetic bacterium.  The project includes characterization of the
hydrogenase genetic system, and the subsequent transfer and expression
of the hydrogenase genes into a cyanobacterium of choice.  The
successful candidate should have a Ph.D. with a strong background in
molecular biology.  Working knowledge of the genetic system of
blue-green algae is a plus.

Please send resume to:

Pin-Ching Maness
Center for Basic Sciences, MS 3313
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd.
Golden, CO  80401

Or send via email: pinching_maness at nrel.gov

National Renewable Energy Lab is funded by the US Dept. of Energy to
conduct basic and applied research in renewable energy.

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