bioMerioux's A.P.I's

John Gentile yjgent at home.com
Thu Dec 28 19:01:35 EST 2000

I've used API's since the mid 70's and when I got to my present hospital
(20yrs ago) they were using a Vitek (system #72). I hated it and wished I
could use just the API's. Well, over the years they have vastly improved and
after I went to St. Louis for training I became a real Vitek advocate. I
never had any problems with bubbles - the trick is to make sure the filling
tube is in tight and ALWAYS tap the corner of the card to send any bubbles
up into the bubble trap.

3 years ago we were forced to switch to MicroScan. Even after going to
training I still prefer the Vitek. Now that I've moved out of micro I hear
that the new techs really like the Microscan and all I can tell them is that
you've never used the Vitek. I just trusted the Vitek results more. I even
tried to prove which system had better agreement with KB. It was a wash-
both scored about 95-96%. So I guess my trust in Vitek is just a feeling not
backed up by any proof.

John Gentile                            Rhode Island Apple Group
yjgent at home.com                         Past President, Publicity Chairman
 "I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities"

> From: wasgross at aol.com (WasGross)
> Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
> Newsgroups: bionet.microbiology
> Date: 26 Dec 2000 00:32:40 GMT
> Subject: Re: R: API Rapid20E
> I think it can often be what one is use to. Our lab uses Microscan (rapid
> and conventional )and API 20E's (rarely). I can inoculate an API rather
> quickly
> but having also been in Micro for 26 years I gained experience with them when
> we used them as the only ID system in our lab many years ago.
> I found the bubbles in the Vitek cards a big pain. But I know labs that use
> the Vitek and love it. The lab I work in has only "looked" at it and never
> used
> it on a regular basis.
> What LIS does the lab you work in use, Judy?
> Do you use Lim Broths for GBS?
> I like to chat with other Clinical Lab Microbiologists.
> Oh... I do not work for API or Microscan.

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