Does anyone know of how to determine age of virus

Mike Swink mswink at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 26 18:28:02 EST 2000

"John Gentile" <yjgent at home.com> wrote in message
news:B66DA87E.94B%yjgent at home.com...
> Now you convince me that you are a conspiracy advocate that is anti
> scientists.
Question:  Am I conspiracy advocate?

1. The  test information suggested I had contracted the virus as of 1978.

My question: Was the date based upon testing or a estimated date from other
outside assumptions.

The advantages of being able to show even a year in which a virus invaded
the patients body would be of great value to those like the Paramedics
Nationwide who are being denied help.

Refrence to Paramedics problem in recieveing help.
Judge splits decision on firefighters

Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Firefighters, Emergency
Medical Technicians, and Paramedics --- Selected Locations, United States,

2. Conflicting information is the only alarm that anyone may have.

First we were told that it was spread by sinfull acts.
In 1992 CDC said 50% of cases were from sex. But when people were asked if
they had children with Virus.
  Out of 5000 households only 1 percent had any additional infected persons.
I was married 12years they tested negative.

"However, 50 percent of the cases lack an identifiable parenteral source,
raising the possibility of other transmissible means."

In England,Canada and Australia you see on lists diffrent sources of
transmissions than the USA:  Dentist,Medical,Barbers,and vaccines. They
quote investigative findings showing pcr test on instruments and surfaces of
virus living outside body for diffrent lenghts of time despite precautions.
They have up to date instruments not used in the USA that allows in field
testing. And give more test than the USA.

CDC Says: Declining.
Incidence stable in 1980's; decline in 1990's Transfusion-associated cases
occurred prior to donor screening, now very rare
Most new infections due to high risk drug (60%) behaviors

Insurance Companies Say: New Cases Remains Constant.

"With the advent of HCV screening by blood banks, the incidence of
transfusion hepatitis is declining. However, the total number of HCV cases
has remained constant."

4. Testing is flawed.
First we were told only those who had elevated liver enzymes ALT,AST levels
were the only ones in danger.

 Now we are told:
"Once these techniques became available, it became clear that many such
persons are viremic, and that about 25% of patients with chronic hepatitis C
have persistently normal ALT levels."

Today if your liver enzymes are normal they do not test for virus.

 This suggest that 25% more people may have the virus. In my case only the
insurance company knew I had the virus and it was not until later  that
tests were preformed. By then the damage was allready done to my
liver,kidney,hearing and eyes.

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