Measure O2 in micro bio samples

Robert Alter service at labinternet.com
Tue Dec 12 08:17:10 EST 2000

A micro pO2 electrode has been developed which can measure samples
as small as 10 microliters which is less than 1/5 the volume of a single
of liquid. It can also measure small biological and chemical specimens
 to less than 2 mm in length.

The electrode fits directly into 96 well plates, microcentrifuge tubes,
serum cups,
capillary tubes, and NMR tubes.

Biological specimens which can be measured include various animal and

The probe has a 1 mm tip and 2 mm body and can be used with any standard

pH meter, strip chart recorder, or PC.

For further information on this revolutionary O2  probe click reply
and ask for details.

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