I came across the following formulations (according to
TSA agar (per litre)
Casein Peptone 15,0 g
Soy Peptone 5,0 g
Sodium Chloride 5,0 g
Agar 15,0 g
Defibrinated Sheep Blood 50 ml
pH 7,3 +/- 0,2 à 25º C
Mueller-Hinton agar (per litre)
Beef Extract 2,0 g
Acid Casein Hydrolysate 17,5 g
Starch 1,5 g
Agar 17,0 g
pH 7,3 +/- 0,1 à 25º C
I really do not know why Mueller-Hinton is preferred over other media for the
screening of antibiotic resistance. As far as I am concerned, if it ain't
broke, don't fix it!
Toai Nguyen.
Frederic Langlois wrote:
> I think I've read somewhere that it's because antibiotics diffuse better in
> Mueller-Hinton media because it doesn't contain any soaps? Is that True?
>> Thanks again...
>> > Hi, I'm a biomedical student @ UQTR in Trois-Rivieres, PQ, Canada and I'm
> > trying to find out why do we use Mueller-Honton media to determine the
> > sensibility to an antibiotic. From what I've found so far, it's only a
> > nutritive media, without any inhibitors... Is there any other reason to
> > choose a M-H agar over a TSA agar (for example)?
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Frederic Langlois
> >