Cell Biology, Pathology & Imaging Tools for the New Century

Gary Coulton g.coulton at ic.ac.uk
Thu Apr 20 07:33:42 EST 2000

             Announcing the 11th International Congress of
              Histochmistry and Cytochemistry (ICHC 2000)

          "Cell Biology and Imaging tools for the New Century"

   Come to the beautiful Medieval City of York in England and enjoy 27
  scientific sessions aimed at the very latest development in  imaging
techniques for Cell Biology, Pathology, Plant sciences and Environmental

                               Latest News

Roger Tsien is awarded the Pearse Prize for Histochemistry. The Pearse
Prize is the highest award in the UK for contributions made in the field
of Histochemistry.
Richard Hauglund awarded the Histochemical Journal Lecture.
Morris Karnovsky to give the David Glick Lecture
Fred Bosman to give the Piet Van Duijn Lecture.
                   Over a 100 other leading speakers.

  ****Sign-up for the accompanying Molecular Morphology Techniques Wet

Register for the week or choose from our daily rates.

Student Bursaries still available, apply right away.

Abstract deadline May 15th 2000. In order to enter the book of

For details on on-line registration, bursaries abstract submission and
excursions in York see the ICHC 2000 web-site

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