Thermophilic Bacteria

David J. Studholme d.studholme at ic.ac.uk
Fri Apr 14 05:11:12 EST 2000

poonam wrote:

>usually they live near the thermal vents at the Bottom of the
>Oceans.  the heat there is what keeps them alive.
> all of the food chain
>at the bottom of the ocean depends on these bacteria.

True - thermophilic bacteria are ecologically important in such habitats,
but thermophilic bacteria are found much more widely eg. thermophilic
gram positive bacteria have a role in hot compost heaps.
Spores of thermophilic Bacillus can be found in just about any environment.


Dr. David J. Studholme
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
Biology Department
Sir Alexander Fleming Building
Imperial College Road
London SW7 2AZ

0171 594 5366
0171 589 5111 ext 55358

0171 594 5419
0171 584 2056

d.studholme at ic.ac.uk
d.studholme at virgin.net


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