Scottish Microbiology Society/Biofilm Meeting

Simon Burton simonburton at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 13 03:27:03 EST 2000

The Department of Biological Sciences, Napier University will host the 10th
Symposium of the Scottish Microbiology Society on 14th April 2000. The
meeting will be held in conjunction with the Biofilm Club
The Biofilm Club will organise the afternoon sessions. Entry to the
Symposium is free to members. Coffee may be charged at £1. Entry for
non-members on the day will be £5 and £8 for students and professionals
respectively, which will include a years membership to the society. Yearly
membership fees remain at £3 for students and £6 for professionals. The
Merchiston Campus at Napier University can be found close to Edinburgh City
Centre on Colinton Road.

Provisional format (10.4.00)



10.45 Biofilms in the oil Industry (Provisional title)
Anthony Dinning, Commercial Microbiology Ltd., Aberdeen Science Park
Aberdeen AB22 8GU

11.30 Widespread distribution of Group 1 introns within Lysin genes of
Streptococcus thermphilus bacteriophages
Sophie Foley, School of Life-Sciences, Napier University, Edinburgh

12.00 COFFEE

12.15 The Effect of Ozonation By-Products upon the activity of Bacterial
Isolates Recovered from Potable Water Sand Filters
Samantha P Law, Maureen AL Melvin and Andrew J Lamb, School of Applied
Sciences, The Robert Gordon University

12.45 Virulence factors of Rhodcoccus equi
Christopher Oldfield and Sheena Buchanan, School of Life-Sciences, Napier
University, Edinburgh

13.15 LUNCH

14.15 Could indiscriminate biocide use select for antibiotic resistance?
AJ McBain and P Gilbert, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Manchester

15.00 Microbial biofilms: common mechanisms of phenotype control in fungi
and bacteria
Kenny McKeegan, University of Manchester

15.45 Phylogenetic relatedness of coaggregating aquatic biofilm bacteria
Alex H. Rickard (1), S. A. Leach(2), C. M. Buswell(2), N. J. High(1), & P.
S. Handley(1).(1)The University of Manchester, anchester, (2) Centre for
Applied Microbiology and Research, Salisbury,

16.15 COFFEE

Followed by: Dr. Roger Bayston (Nottingham) (Title to be supplied)
Biomaterials- related Infection Group, Division of Microbiology, University
of Nottingham

Scottish Microbiology Society AGM

Organiser: Dr. Chris Oldfield, Department of Biological , Napier University,
10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DT, e-mail: c.oldfield at napier.ac.uk

Information on the Biofilm Club can be found on their website. The club
exists to promote a wide inter-disciplinary platform for all who are
involved with or merely interested in, the structure, function and economic
importance of microbial biofilms.

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