Incubator wanted

dickinson94 at my-deja.com dickinson94 at my-deja.com
Mon Apr 10 12:59:21 EST 2000

In article <38EDB09C.6F19 at xtra.co.nz>,
  kees.lyn at xtra.co.nz wrote:
> Does anyone in NZ have a second hand bench top incubator for sale.
> 25-45degC. Suitable for microbiology.
> Thanks Lynn

Hi Lynn,

If you are unable to find a used incubator for sale, try posting
an "Equipment Wanted" ad on LabX.  "Equipment Wanted" ads are free and
very successful as they are seen by thousands of potential sellers
every day.  Visit http://www.labx.com and click on "Run an Ad" at the
top of the webpage to get started.

I hope that this helps!

J. T. Sandone
jtsandone at vertical.net

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.

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