Free Online Bio/Rx Speller For Websites

Caelan Santa Cruz docbiotech at mail.com
Mon Apr 10 11:02:05 EST 2000

Our company has a free tool that can add even more value to your web site
giving your visitors one more reason to visit your site again and again.

How would you like visitors to your web site to be able to check the correct
spelling of more than 200,000 biotechnical and bioscience words inside your

Spellex maintains the Internet's only online, real-time, Internet bioscience
spell checker.  We DO NOT CHARGE ANY FEES for this service... we only ask
that you place our company logo alongside the text box where your visitors
will type in their words.

Our free tool will give your web site additional value by letting your web
site visitors:

1.  Verify the correct spelling of bioscience and biotechnical words while
at you web site.

2.  Look up the spelling of bioscience and biotechnical words that your
visitors are unsure of by typing in the first few letters of the word.

3.  Give phonetic bioscience word choices of similarly spelled words and
similarly sounding words

4.  Check for the correct capitalization of bioscience and biotechnical

For an example of what this feature would look like, click on

If you feel an Internet spelling feature would add value to your web site
and give your visitors another reason to come back to your site again and
again, please contact me at your earliest convenience.  I will send you the
easy instructions for setting up our Internet Biotech speller your site.

Thank you

Shane Fitzgerald
sfitzgerald at spellex.com
Spellex Corporation

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