Differential growth media

Vicki Steven m.steven at uws.edu.au
Fri Apr 7 23:55:40 EST 2000

In article <38EE42AE.A0A217AE at genome.wi.mit.edu>, Thomas Landers
<thomas at genome.wi.mit.edu> wrote:

> If anyone can suggest a truly authoritative source for bacterial growth
> media, or if anyone knows alternative names for any of these media, i'd
> really appreciate it.

> YEM (yeast extract mannitol) agar
Try replacing the glucose with mannitol in a basic formula for YE agar

> TSA/glucose (trypticase soy agar)

This is a very common medium and should be in every supplier's catalogue.
We use Oxoid (English) and they produce a brilliant catalogue that gives
detailed ingredients & how to use instructions.

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