United Kingdom Extremophile Network Conference 2000
10-11th July 2000, University of Leicester, UK.
Provisional Programme:
Monday 10th July 2000:
10.00 Registration and Coffee
11.00 Welcome to UKEN 2000
11.15 Talks from Group Leaders
11.45 Rambles in Soda Lakes - Professor W.D. Grant (Leicester)
12.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Short Presentations
15.00 Tea and Poster Session 1
16.00-17.00 Short Presentations
17.00-17.45 Biocatalysis and Industry: How Enzymes Contribute to
Sustainability - Professor B.E. Jones (Genencor)
19.30 Conference Dinner
Tuesday 11th July 2000:
9.30-10.30 Short Presentations
10.30 Coffee and Poster Session 2
11.30-12.30 Special Guest Lecture - Koki Horikoshi - title to announced
12.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 Short Presentations
15.30 Summary and Discussion
16.00 Tea and Close
Conference Website (more information, online registration & abstract
submission): http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/UKEN
Dr Alan J. Cann PhD, Department of Microbiology & Immunology,
University of Leicester, P.O. Box 138, Medical Sciences Building,
University Road, Leicester LE1 9HN, UK.