Respiratory Syncitial Virus

Gary Lum glum at ozemail.com.au
Wed Apr 5 17:41:49 EST 2000

Lawrie Wilson wrote:

> My Sister has to write an essay on Respiratory Syncitial Virus from a
> medical microbiological stand point.  I would be greatful if someone could
> direct me to some information on the subject.

Head for university library and go for The Manual of Clinical Microbiology,
ASM Press 7th edition and Mandell's Principles and Parctice of Infectious
Diseases, Churchill Livingstone Press, 5th edition.



Dr Gary Lum, Director of Pathology, Territory Health Services
Rocklands Drive, Tiwi NT 0810, Australia
Tel. 61889228034, Mob. 61419814490, Fac. 61889228843
mailto:glum at ozemail.com.au
Helping requesting practitioners to answer their diagnostic
questions, not just doing pathology tests.

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