maltophilia versus multophilia

Dilworth dilworth at megsinet.net
Tue Apr 4 17:05:12 EST 2000

Just because they're a doctor doesn't mean they can spell.  I've never ever
heard of "multophilia."  Stick to your guns.

Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
Microbiology in hiatus

Quixote wrote:

> Hello.  I am a medical transcriptionist who recently ran into something
> new today and am looking for some clarification.  I have used the
> spelling maltophilia for organisms such as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
> and Pseudomonas maltophilia, etc.  Today I had a doctor spell out
> Stenotrophomonas "multophilia".  I thought it a fluke as I daily get
> misspellings from doctors but decided to web search anyway and lo and
> behold I got some hits.  My questions would be (1) is this an alternate
> spelling of the same organism, (2) is one of these spellings actually
> incorrect, or (3) is this a different organism from maltophilia? Any help
> would be greatly appreciated and would help to keep accuracy in patient's
> medical records.
> Quixote

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