Thermophilic Bacteria

Dr. Duncan Clark Duncan at nospam.demon.co.uk
Mon Apr 3 04:41:03 EST 2000

In article <954631771.866123 at shelley.paradise.net.nz>, onco_p53
<onco_p53 at paradise.net.nz> writes
>Not only is there a problem with DNA, but most cellular proteins will
>degrade above 60C molecular chaperones have been characterised that have an
>effect on proteins and DNA. Without going into much detail try doing a seach
>on hsp (heat shock proteins), GroEL-GroES complex, or just 'molecular

Thermophilic organisms or hyperthermophilic organisms have exceptionally
stable proteins and do not necessarily require chaperones in vitro i.e.
think about the DNA polymerases used in PCR. Some are stable for hours
at 100C. Basically lots of salt bridges in the protein helps the
thermostability. Have a look at papers by Mike Danson's extremophile
group at Bath University comparing xtal structures for one enzyme from
different organisms i.e. psychrophiles through to extremophiles.

The problem with being on the cutting edge is that you occasionally get 
sliced from time to time....

Duncan Clark
DNAmp Ltd.
Tel: +44(0)1252376288
FAX: +44(0)8701640382

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